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Check out our resources designed to help you get the most out of Fulcrum.

Notes from the field: best practices designing field data processes

Fieldwork is demanding, expensive, and full of unforeseen challenges. Achieving an optimized, efficient workflow involves iterative stages, trial and error, and focused testing. These efforts balance trade-offs to capture the necessary data. Join Coleman McCormick, in collaboration with Geo Week, as he shares best practices for designing field data processes.

Leading the way in GIS field data collection software

GIS software serves as a powerful tool, capturing, storing, and interpreting geographic data. GIS technology bridges the gap between locations, boundaries, and intricate details within a geospatial framework. Yet, the question arises – what’s the next step? Enter Fulcrum, industry-leading field data collection software that gives context to the geospatial content, expanding the use case of GIS data.

DIEHLUX, LLC – How Fulcrum data collection platform provides a competitive edge

DIEHLUX, an innovative ecological and natural resource consulting firm, switched to the Fulcrum data collection platform in 2019 to revolutionize its field operations. Specializing in energy, telecommunications, water resources, and land development markets, DIEHLUX found itself grappling with the challenges of diverse software interfaces, manual data collection, and inefficient photo integration.

Fulcrum launch: integration with Esri

Embark on an exploratory journey with our on-demand webinar, highlighting Fulcrum’s integration with Esri. This year marked a significant milestone for us at Fulcrum, as we successfully integrated with Esri’s renowned SDK. Now, we invite you to explore the impactful results of this integration, showcasing a new era in location-oriented solutions.

GeoForce Utility Technologies – Digital utility pole inspections save time and money

Whether electrical utility contractor GeoForce is tackling power outages with lightning speed, performing utility pole inspections with precision and efficiency, or creating bespoke solutions for its clients, GeoForce’s secret weapon is Fulcrum’s intuitive interface and advanced GIS integration.

Common problems when digitizing field inspections (and how to overcome them)

Are you considering the transition to digital field inspections but apprehensive about the challenges that lie ahead? Don’t let uncertainties hold you back from embracing the future. Our comprehensive infographic dives into the world of digitizing field inspections, addressing common obstacles and offering actionable strategies to ensure a seamless transition for your team.

Fulcrum Update: Integration with Esri™

Watch a demonstration of Fulcrum’s integration with Esri’s ArcGIS Online!

Smarter Use of Data While in the Field

Get the right data to the right people in the field While we’re collecting more field data than ever, it’s still hard to get the right data to people who are out in the field. This free Directions Magazine webinar will talk about (and demonstrate, using the Fulcrum platform) some of the specific ways to integrate field data collection and SOPs with GIS to improve the situation on the ground, on our screens, and in our thinking.

Notes from the field: Location-aware inspections made easy

Two experienced geospatial pros discuss the challenges and lessons learned over their GIS careers. Since field inspections require sharp eyes, high-quality data collection, and location information, they’ve always required a complex stew of technologies to support them.

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