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Check out our resources designed to help you get the most out of Fulcrum.

Translating standards into digital inspections

Standards are vital in upholding health and safety best practices, yet the key challenge lies in effectively translating standards into digital inspections with actionable processes for various workplace scenarios. Our on-demand webinar offers essential insights on converting these standards into digital inspections, enabling more efficient and comprehensive safety checks.

Fulcrum launch: integration with Esri

Embark on an exploratory journey with our on-demand webinar, highlighting Fulcrum’s integration with Esri. This year marked a significant milestone for us at Fulcrum, as we successfully integrated with Esri’s renowned SDK. Now, we invite you to explore the impactful results of this integration, showcasing a new era in location-oriented solutions.

Overcoming Challenges in Inspection Technology Adoption

Gain practical guidance on how to overcome challenges when trying to onboard new technologies that should reduce injuries and prevent incidents. Review real-world examples and principles of change management, to identify strategies you should use to overcome hurdles such as technical challenges, cultural differences, human psychology, implementation time and cost.

Getting Better Results from New Employees Using Digital Checklists and SOPs

In this webinar, we’ll discuss how digitization of safety and quality inspections and SOPs can increase productivity, streamline communication, generate safety and quality data, and automatically generate documentation in real time.

Beyond Checklists: Digitizing Permitting Processes

It’s hard enough to get people to follow normal safety inspection checklists. How much harder is it to gain compliance and effective reporting for permitting processes? Explore ways you can use digital inspection technology to improve your organization’s compliance, documentation and efficiency in permitting.

Optimizing Digital Data Collection: A Field Guide

Data collection in the field can be more demanding and harder to manage than anything you would see in an office. It’s harder to maintain process consistency, get clean data, and share information with stakeholders. Digital inspections can help, but it’s important to take advantage of all of the capabilities your digital platform offers if you’re going to really move the needle. This webinar will focus on some of the specific requirements you’ll need to optimize digital data collection in the field. It applies to field safety and quality inspections, lone worker scenarios, standard operating procedures, and other data collection requirements. Using Fulcrum as an example, we’ll discuss capabilities that include:

Fulcrum Update: Integration with Esri™

Watch a demonstration of Fulcrum’s integration with Esri’s ArcGIS Online!

Smarter Use of Data While in the Field

Get the right data to the right people in the field While we’re collecting more field data than ever, it’s still hard to get the right data to people who are out in the field. This free Directions Magazine webinar will talk about (and demonstrate, using the Fulcrum platform) some of the specific ways to integrate field data collection and SOPs with GIS to improve the situation on the ground, on our screens, and in our thinking.

So you’ve digitized inspections. What next?

Going digital increases the rigor of compliance safety inspections and improves the productivity of inspectors. However, digitization must go beyond just improving an individual process. It should enable your organization to use the safety inspection data to truly transform the entire organization so you can be more productive, safer, and achieve better financial outcomes.

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