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Resource library

Check out our resources designed to help you get the most out of Fulcrum.

After digitization: Taking advantage of data to improve safety, productivity, reliability, and decision-making

Use data produced by digitization to improve safety for utility companies’ workers and customers. Discover how electric utilities can enable their workers to be more productive, boost their resilience and reliability, and make better short- and long-term decisions.

3 ways to improve field operations with location-based data

Learn how to leverage location-based information to reduce risk, ensure compliance, and optimize team performance. As a field ops manager, you’re overseeing a lot of moving parts at once, from quality to compliance to resource allocation. Download this free guide to learn how to leverage a digital field inspection management platform and location-based insights to help you and your teams work smarter, faster, and safer, by:

Do safety better with digitization

Do you suffer from OSHA Anxiety Disorder? OSHA interactions can be stressful. Digitizing your safety inspections ensures you can quickly demonstrate compliance and prove the effectiveness of your safety program – no rummaging through filing cabinets or paper records required.

Snavely Forest Products

When Snavely Forest Products and Weekes Forest Products digitized their safety inspection programs, they saw immediate and impressive results and proven ROI. By integrating Fulcrum’s field inspection management platform, they not only recouped their annual investment within two weeks but also revolutionized their approach to safety data.

The role of digital field inspections in the oil and gas industry

A robust field inspection platform can help the oil and gas industry overcome OHS | EHS issues, staffing challenges, OSHA compliance & more. Between fuel price volatility, regulatory burdens, and environmental concerns, the oil and gas industry  unprecedented challenges.

Quality essentials: sturdy materials, sharp eyes, hard data

You need to make keen observations of the workplace, whether with scheduled inspections or through real-time issue observation. You need to make keen observations of the workplace, whether with scheduled inspections or through real-time issue observation. But these moments in time become substantially more valuable if they can be aggregated to help you describe, justify, and make decisions about your quality program. Converting quality inspections, observations, and even everyday actions into easy-to-access data can provide the quantitative basis for higher-quality outcomes and better decision-making.

Notes from the field: Location-aware inspections made easy

Two experienced geospatial pros discuss the challenges and lessons learned over their GIS careers. Since field inspections require sharp eyes, high-quality data collection, and location information, they’ve always required a complex stew of technologies to support them.

Automating field inspection management for construction

Still using pen and paper for your construction quality and safety inspections? Find out what you’re missing, and how digital field inspection technology can transform the way construction firms do business. Check out our data sheet to discover how the Fulcrum digital field inspection management platform improves the uniformity, flexibility, and speed of construction safety, quality, and maintenance inspections for construction companies, contractors, and engineering firms.

Make your field operations smart by leveraging location-aware field inspection software and workflow management

Fulcrum you can develop custom field inspection management software that will help you keep up with your people and assets in the field. Even when your team does most of its work outside an office – in remote areas, without readily-available landmarks, out of the reach of mobile networks – you’ve got to keep track of your people and assets and ensure their tasks get done well and quickly. The question is, how?

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