Many organizations using Fulcrum have requested to ability to have more control over how members can interact with both the web and mobile applications. When we recently reorganized the management and administration portions of the Fulcrum web app, we also added the ability to create custom member roles to do just that.
Custom Roles
Fulcrum has three primary roles for organization members: Owner, Manager, and Standard User. The permissions for each of these system roles have been selected to accommodate the most common organization needs, and cannot not be modified. However, you are now able to create your own roles and configure the permissions you want for your organization’s members. The permissions you select will apply to both the mobile and web applications.
Managing Roles
To manage roles for your organization, you must be logged in to the Fulcrum web app as an Owner, or a role with permission to manage roles. Role management is part of the settings section, and can be found by clicking on the gear icon on the right side of the page header. The primary role management screen lists the system and custom roles for your organization. To see a list of permissions for each role, click on the view list link next to the role description. Add a new role by clicking on the Add Role button under the custom role list and edit a role by clicking to the Edit button on the right of the role row. You can also designate which role is the default role assigned to new members by selecting a role in the Default column.
Adding and Editing Roles
The add/edit role screen is used to configure custom roles. Every role must have a name. The permissions section is where you decide what permissions will apply to members assigned to the role. We have grouped the permission options to help clarify how each option affects the abilities of assigned members. Once you have configured the role permissions, click the Save button.
Assigning Roles to Members
Roles can be assigned to members in two ways, through the add member wizard, or through the organization members management screens. When adding new members, you will be asked to select a role for each member being added.
The members management screen is found in the settings section and can be accessed in the same manner as roles (gear → settings → members). To change the role assigned to a current organization member, click on the edit button to the right of the member row. Then, on the edit member screen, you will see a drop-down list of roles to the right of the member’s name. You can select a different role and click the Save Member button to change a member’s role.
Note: If you do not see a drop-down list, you are not allowed to change the member’s role.
We hope that this feature can help you get the most out of your data collection projects. As always, if you have any questions, feel free to search our Help Section or find us on Twitter.