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Getting ROI from AI by improving field productivity

September 12, 2024 | 2:00 PM ET

AI has advanced beyond the “figuring it out” phase and is now delivering clear, measurable benefits. As a result of recent technological advancements, field teams can now leverage AI to enhance efficiency, boost productivity for existing staff, and improve resiliency. Furthermore, these improvements are highly cost-effective, with every dollar invested in AI returning over 700% ROI.

This upcoming webinar is specifically tailored for field-based companies, including those in utilities, engineering, and construction industries. It will showcase practical, real-world applications of the latest AI advancements, providing valuable insights into transforming field operations. Participants will gain knowledge on several key topics that are crucial for maximizing AI’s potential, including:

  • Methods for AI to dramatically increase productivity by seamlessly integrating into field processes, turning routine tasks into growth opportunities.
  • Fulcrum’s pivotal role as a platform that embeds cutting-edge AI innovations directly into workflows, enhancing operational efficiency.
  • Live demonstrations of use cases for custom models and large language models (LLMs) that automate data capture from text, photos, and voice inputs.
  • Practical deployment models for AI integration that empower field teams without overwhelming GIS or IT departments, ensuring smooth operations.

By attending this webinar, you’ll learn how to harness AI’s power to stay competitive, optimize operations, and achieve significant ROI. The insights provided will guide you in revolutionizing your approach to fieldwork, driving success in a rapidly evolving landscape. Don’t miss this opportunity to explore using AI for field teams can be a game-changer for your business. This webinar is your chance to stay ahead of the curve and leverage AI to its fullest potential.


Jake Freivald, Fulcrum’s VP of Product Marketing, Fulcrum
Jake Freivald
VP, Product Marketing
Graphic image of title card for a webinar on how using AI for field teams helps companies achieve productivity gains and return on investment