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Trust, but verify – preventing utility inspection fraud

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Learn how implementing a digital field inspection management platform can help to prevent field worker inspection fraud.

Late in 2021, Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) faced a nightmare scenario: a former contract worker was alleged to have falsified as many as 3,000 electric system inspection reports. While PG&E scrambles to perform the missing inspections of areas of high risk for fire, it also is fielding serious questions about the supervision of its workers and contractors, and how the issue could have gone on for so long undetected. Unfortunately, PG&E is not alone in the problem of falsified inspection reports, leaving other utilities wondering if it could happen to them.

The short answer is yes. And the more workers you have in the field – and the less staff you have dedicated to supervising them – the more likely inspection fraud will occur. That is, unless you take concrete steps to prevent it.

Utility field supervisors and project managers attending this webinar will learn how implementing a digital field inspection management platform can help to prevent field worker inspection fraud as well as how to uncover misdeeds early, keeping your inspection data reliable (and your utility not liable).

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