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Check out our resources designed to help you get the most out of Fulcrum.

Daily mobile crane inspection checklist

Download this free checklist to ensure compliance with safety regulations. A daily mobile crane inspection checklist is used for conducting routine crane inspections. It helps to ensure compliance with the safety standards set by OSHA. This page will discuss: Daily mobile crane inspection checklist requirements The purpose of a daily...

Security patrol log

Download this free PDF to document security issues that arise during patrol. A security patrolling checklist is a daily report of security officers’ activities throughout their shift timings, also known as officer's DAR. It includes routine security patrols and any security issues noticed during the patrol activities. This page will...

Daily aviation security control checklist

Download this free PDF to assess airport security and ensure safe operations A daily aviation security control checklist is an administrative tool used for assessing airport security. It checks several areas of routine airport security, including check-in counter, baggage departure, airplane protection, boarding gate, cargo, and catering. The checklist may...

Building Inspection Checklist

Download this free PDF to conduct building inspections and ensure they and their essential systems are in compliance with regulations. Building inspectors are needed in order for municipalities to ensure that buildings and building alterations are compliant with national and state building codes as well as local zoning and land...

Building Sanitary Sewer Inspection Form

Download this free PDF to conduct routine building sanitary sewer inspections or locate and remediate problems. Building sanitary sewer inspections are conducted for two main reasons: as part of routine maintenance, or to identify and remediate a problem. A sewer problem can quickly develop into an emergency, especially if raw...

Building Survey Checklist

Download this free building survey checklist to conduct a thorough assessment of a commercial property. Building surveyors advise their clients about the design, construction, maintenance, and repair of buildings through the surveys that they conduct, and their recommendations often serve as an essential tool for selling commercial properties. By identifying...

The Simple Machine, Issue 2

Minimizing human error and maximizing productivity, published Nov. 24, 2020. Issue 2 of the Fulcrum newsletter explores ways to increase productivity and reduce errors in the field. Learn how to pinpoint the "human problem" behind every technical problem, gain confidence through collaborating with no-code development, discover the top opportunities to...

Drone pre-flight Checklist

Download this free PDF checklist to conduct a thorough drone inspection before taking flight. A drone pre-flight checklist is a vital checklist used to ensure legal and safe drone operations before flight. This checklist enables drone operators to perform a range of physical and functional checks and inspections to ensure...

School bus or van daily inspection checklist

Download this checklist to perform daily inspections of your vehicles to ensure they are roadworthy before passengers board. A school bus or van daily inspection checklist is a handy checklist that ensures the safety of the vehicle's driver and passenger, as well as other drivers on the road. It helps...