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Check out our resources designed to help you get the most out of Fulcrum.

FHA home inspection checklist

Download this free FHA home inspection checklist to verify that a home for sale meets FHA standards. An FHA home inspection checklist enables a home inspector to conduct a thorough home inspection to ensure it qualifies for an FHA loan. This page will discuss: What is an FHA loan? The...

Nursing home safety checklist

Download this free PDF to conduct a thorough evaluation of a nursing home or assisted-living facility. A nursing home safety checklist is a useful tool that helps users conduct thorough surveys to evaluate nursing home facilities to choose the best and safest environment for their loved one. This page will...

Elderly home safety checklist

Download this elderly home safety checklist to ensure the living environment is free from hazards. Every year thousands of elderly citizens suffer serious injuries due to slips or falls in assisted-living facilities and in their own homes. An elderly home safety checklist is a tool that helps identify and eliminate...

Church Cleaning Checklist

Download this free church cleaning checklist to keep your house of worship clean and sanitized.A church cleaning checklist is a tool that helps church and cleaning staff maintain a properly clean and tidy house of worship. This page will discuss: Church cleaning requirementsThe purpose of a church cleaning checklistBenefits of...

Checklist for Hotel Site Visits

Download this PDF to scout venues for a wedding, conference, or other event. The checklist for hotel site visits is used to inspect and evaluate the venue options for events thoroughly to determine whether a place is ideal for your event or not.  It considers all the details, advantages, and...

Bar Cleaning Checklist

Use this free PDF checklist to keep your bar sparkling clean and your patrons happy. The cleanliness of a bar has a significant impact on business. Customers don't like to visit bars or restaurants with negative reviews about cleanliness. A well-maintained, clean, and fresh-smelling bar is highly likely to attract...

Effective checklists for process management

Watch this on-demand webcast to learn how to leverage checklists for process optimization. How do you get people to be consistent while implementing changes to critical processes? People are already resistant to change, so we need to support them as they adapt or we won’t see the kinds of results...

Electrical service work order form

Download this free PDF to manage electrical service work orders. An electrical service work order form is a useful tool for managing electrical maintenance and service requests. This page will discuss: Electrical service work order form requirements The purpose of an electrical service work order form Benefits of using an...

Property Preservation Checklist

Use this free PDF checklist to secure and protect properties that are vacant or for-sale.A property preservation checklist is used to ensure that vacant or for-sale properties are secured and protected from break-ins, pests, inclement weather and other things that could damage or devalue the property. This page will discuss:...