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Check out our resources designed to help you get the most out of Fulcrum.

Culvert Inspection Form

Download this culvert inspection checklist to evaluate structural damage and plan remedial actions. Culverts are an essential part of our infrastructure, requiring routine inspection to ensure they are stable and unobstructed so traffic can safely pass over water flows. Regular inspections and good record keeping are critical to maintaining a...

Cell/Telecom Tower Inspection Checklist

Download this checklist to inspect cell towers and ensure compliance with FCC and FAA regulations. Regular cell tower inspections are necessary for maintenance, safety, and extending the life of the tower. A telecom tower inspection checklist helps inspectors perform a thorough cell/telecom tower survey to ensure continued operations and that...

Transformer location inspection checklist

Use this checklist to document the condition and maintenance records of your transformers. Regular internal and external inspections of transformers are critical to ensure optimal function and reduce maintenance costs. A transformer inspection checklist enables users to perform regular inspections and report on the condition of their assets. This page...

Sign gantry structural inspection checklist

Download this checklist to prevent structural failure and ensure compliance. Sign gantry or gantry crane inspections are critical to preventing structural failure, and ensuring the gantry is in optimal condition and compliance with industry regulations. This page will discuss: Sign gantry structural inspection requirements The purpose of sign gantry structural...

Generator maintenance checklist

Conduct regular generator maintenance to ensure it operates safely and reliably. Regular generator inspection, maintenance, and repair are vital to ensure optimal function. This generator maintenance checklist helps make sure that your generator is providing adequate power and operating safely. This page will discuss: Generator maintenance checklist requirements Purpose of...

Welding safety checklist

A welding safety checklist is an essential tool to protect workers from hazards associated with welding, cutting, and brazing. It ensures adherence to OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) safety standards, such as proper use of personal protective equipment (PPE), adequate ventilation, and safe handling of flammable materials. This checklist...

Roof inspection checklist

Download this checklist to identify needed roof repairs. It's important to conduct regular roof inspections to identify areas in need of repair to keep maintenance costs down. Roofs can be damaged by heavy rain or hail, falling trees and more, which can cause further damage to your property if not...

Job site safety checklist

Use this checklist to identify potential hazards during construction site visits. A job site safety checklist helps in managing regular safety inspections according to OSHA guidelines. It ensures the maintenance of a safe working environment and ensures that employees are using the best practices while operating machines and equipment at...

Chinese Drywall Inspection Checklist

Use this PDF checklist to identify signs of defective Chinese drywall. Defects in Chinese drywall can cause property damage and harm to your health. The defective drywall was imported from China between 2001 and 2009 for residential construction. Due to its defective manufacturing, it affected more than 100,000 residential buildings...