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The Simple Machine, Issue 19

Published September 2022 It’s September, and for millions of kids, school is back in session. In the spirit of the new school year, we have some fresh new thought leadership and learning resources to share. Happy Autumn!

The Simple Machine, Issue 18

Closing the loop for safety, quality, and maintenance inspections. Published August 2022. This month we're all about closing the loop from inspection to action and back again for continual process improvement. As client James Watts, Director of Health and Safety of Snavely Forest Products and Weekes Forest Products, reports, "Once...

Safety essentials: Tough gear, sharp eyes, hard data

Steel-toed boots and hard hats are only part of the story. Steel-toed boots and hard hats are only part of the story. To keep people safe, you need to make keen observations of the workplace, whether with scheduled inspections or through real-time issue observation. But these moments in time become...

Lessons from the field: digitizing safety inspections to protect workers & automate OSHA compliance

Learn from two safety leaders with more than 50 years of experience to discover how digitizing field inspection management can help you. Join Jim Metz, VP of Safety for FM Sylvan, and James Watts, Director of Health & Safety of Snavely Forest Products, to discover how digitizing field inspection management...

The Simple Machine, Issue 17

A data-driven field inspection program. Published July 2022. In July, we're focusing on construction. In addition to exploring construction labor shortages and showcasing digital field inspection management in construction, we also share a diagram that shows the ideal field inspection process that allows for constant fine-tuning and refinement.

Automated field inspection management

Are you ready to elevate your field inspections to the next level? This comprehensive data sheet details how automation can transform your workflows, improve inspection accuracy, and enhance safety across your organization. If manual processes are causing delays and incomplete reporting, now is the perfect time to embrace automation and...

Creating an organization-wide culture of quality

Maintaining a consistent culture of quality is essential in the competitive indoor air solutions industry. Halton Company, a leading provider in this sector, demonstrates this commitment by using advanced digital tools to enhance their quality control processes. Implementing Fulcrum’s comprehensive digital inspection app has transformed Halton Company's approach to quality...

Improving Safety Culture by Analyzing Inspection Data

This is a discussion on how to gather and use inspection data to improve safety outcomes and drive organizational change. Join us for a discussion regarding how to gather and use inspection data to improve safety outcomes and drive organizational change. We’ll discuss leading, lagging, and impact metrics, leveraging the...

Developing a data-driven field safety program

How digital safety field inspections allow for constant learning, rethinking, and upgrading of the process in each iteration When you’re doing safety field inspections with a pen and paper, your inspection process is likely pretty limited: Do inspection Put field inspection paper form in a folder Never look at it...