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Check out our resources designed to help you get the most out of Fulcrum.

Improve safety, quality & your bottom line with digital data collection

When you look across your projects, consider how your digital data collection processes, quality inspections, safety inspections, and SOPs are ensuring that you’ll realize a profit rather than a loss. Specifically, start with the data — and the ability to measure the quality, safety, and effectiveness of your processes and...

Optimizing Digital Data Collection: A Field Guide

Data collection in the field can be more demanding and harder to manage than anything you would see in an office. It's harder to maintain process consistency, get clean data, and share information with stakeholders. Digital inspections can help, but it's important to take advantage of all of the capabilities...

Construction worker safety for new, returning, and older workers

Discover the Key to Construction Worker Safety - Download Our Infographic Now! In the rapidly growing construction industry, safety is paramount. With the workforce projected to surge by 872,000 jobs by 2025, it's crucial to address the unique challenges posed by new, returning, and older workers on construction sites. Our...

Common problems when digitizing field inspections (and how to overcome them)

Are you considering the transition to digital field inspections but apprehensive about the challenges that lie ahead? Don't let uncertainties hold you back from embracing the future. Our comprehensive infographic dives into the world of digitizing field inspections, addressing common obstacles and offering actionable strategies to ensure a seamless transition...

The Simple Machine, Issue 22

Published February 2023 Check out our updates about Esri, our client TREKK, and more. Thanks for reading!

Fulcrum Update: Integration with Esri™

Watch a demonstration of Fulcrum's integration with Esri's ArcGIS Online! Fulcrum’s recently announced relationship with Esri™ is enabling a new level of development and integration with ArcGIS™ and related products – and you can be among the first to hear about it! Join our Product team for a preview of...

Smarter Use of Data While in the Field

Get the right data to the right people in the field While we’re collecting more field data than ever, it’s still hard to get the right data to people who are out in the field. This free Directions Magazine webinar will talk about (and demonstrate, using the Fulcrum platform) some...

So you’ve digitized inspections. What next?

Going digital increases the rigor of compliance safety inspections and improves the productivity of inspectors. However, digitization must go beyond just improving an individual process. It should enable your organization to use the safety inspection data to truly transform the entire organization so you can be more productive, safer, and...

Digital inspections for manufacturing safety and quality

Struggling with manufacturing safety and quality standards? You're not alone in facing these challenges. Did you know: ‍15 percent of all private industry nonfatal injuries occur in manufacturing? Quality-related costs for manufacturers represent 15-20 percent of gross sales revenue (with some as high as 40 percent)? 60% of manufacturing companies...