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Notes from the field: Location-aware inspections made easy

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Two experienced geospatial pros discuss the challenges and lessons learned over their GIS careers.

Since field inspections require sharp eyes, high-quality data collection, and location information, they’ve always required a complex stew of technologies to support them.

Field inspections demand skills and technologies that go well beyond standardized checklists, including an understanding of geospatial information and the systems that use it. In this webinar, we’ll hear from two experienced geospatial pros, Shawn Pickett from Century Engineering, A Kleinfelder Company and Fulcrum’s own Coleman McCormick, who will give a rich and broadly ranging discussion into the challenges they’ve encountered and the lessons they’ve learned over the course of their extensive experience — with ample opportunity for your questions.

Among other things, this webinar will address:

  • Challenges related to geospatial issues that field teams face
  • How geospatial pros can best support field teams
  • How field teams can support themselves while giving GIS analysts the data they need
  • Real-world applications of inspection and data collection technology in the field
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