Use this gas station inspection checklist to conduct site visits and document how fueling station servicing is performed, how waste is handled, and analyze the station’s emergency protocols.
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Because gas stations are highly vulnerable to the risks associated with the handling and storage of fuel and other hazardous substances, they must be inspected regularly to ensure environmental compliance, as well as the safety of attendants and customers. This fuel station inspection checklist is designed for authorities to conduct a site visit to be sure each facility is properly disposing of waste and is prepared and equipped to respond quickly in the event of a spill.
Good management practices are crucial for preventing spills that could potentially contaminate the soil and water surrounding the fueling station. State departments of agriculture or even EPA inspectors may conduct gas station site visits to verify that the owner is meeting safety standards as well as state and federal regulations.
Unlike a PDF checklist, a gas station inspection app is completely customizable, so you can create fully functional mobile apps for inspecting different types of stations or to accommodate the specific regulations of different states. You can also attach multimedia fields to document any hazards or to verify that a facility is following safe storage and disposal procedures, and share inspection reports with stakeholders in real time or near-real time.