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Chinese Drywall Inspection Checklist

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Use this PDF checklist to identify signs of defective Chinese drywall.

Defects in Chinese drywall can cause property damage and harm to your health. The defective drywall was imported from China between 2001 and 2009 for residential construction. Due to its defective manufacturing, it affected more than 100,000 residential buildings in the United States. Chinese drywall inspections help in detecting whether your home has problems associated with Chinese drywall.

This page will discuss:

  • Chinese drywall inspection requirements
  • The purpose of a Chinese drywall inspection
  • Benefits of using a Chinese drywall inspection app

What are the requirements of a Chinese drywall inspection checklist?

The Chinese drywall inspection is a visual inspection process that helps identify the some of the problems associated with defective drywall in a home. The checklist should prompt the inspector to look at electronic equipment and wiring, check for corrosion on evaporator coils and refrigeration lines, copper plumbing lines, and the air conditioner, as well as check for the presence of a sulfur-like smell within the property.

Who uses a Chinese drywall inspection and why?

Home inspectors, drywall services providers, and homeowners can use this Chinese drywall inspection checklist to identify defective drywall. The smell that emits from defective drywall is quite strong and is similar to the smell of rotten eggs. The purpose of an inspection is to identify evidence of problematic drywall to prevent health problems and deterioration of electrical systems.

Why use a Chinese drywall inspection app?

Using a mobile Chinese drywall inspection app, inspectors can perform quick, efficient, and detailed inspections with their smartphone or tablet rather than pen and paper. They can take pictures of corroded piping and other evidence of Chinese drywall, which will be automatically attached to the inspection report that they can send to the homeowner or insurance company directly from on site. No need to go back to the office to write up a report or spend time trying to match up photos to the correct inspections.

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