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Customer Stories

Learn how some of our 50,000+ users across 100+ countries use Fulcrum to transform the way they work.

Brown and Caldwell: From legacy methods to digital transformation

"Comparing our pre-Fulcrum days to now, we’ve seen a 30 percent reduction in data QA and management time."
Sean Kilpatrick, Senior Principal Engineer
Brown and Caldwell

Inventorying water distribution systems, installing new meters and automating billing processes

Field deployment was simple and easy to manage. Little training was necessary as the system is fairly self-explanatory with data field descriptions and prompts. Once our data was cleaned up and organized in Fulcrum, our staff commented on the speed of the system as well as the accuracy of GPS location.

City of Wyoming

GeoForce outshines the competition with Fulcrum

“Using Fulcrum, we’re able to get ahead of the other crews and return data to our clients much faster.”
Brian Stroud, Vice President and GIS Developer
GeoForce Utility Technologies

Helping citizens get access to clean water in Sierra Leone

Even our staff that do not own smartphones or have never used a computer could easily operate the software. In addition, with Fulcrum you can view data by location, on a map. This is a significant advantage working in less developed regions where mapping of areas is dated and inaccurate.


Performing electrical distribution inspections and mapping with Fulcrum

The introduction of the iPads to the field inspectors has had a dramatic impact on the business. Inspectors can plan their routes better with a map representation of all pillars to be inspected. We're now able to visit all pillars in a patrol. Missed pillars are a thing of the past which has improved the overall safety, and we're doing more work with fewer people.


Organizing large-scale gas infrastructure and leak detection inspections

Fulcrum is revolutionizing the way we conduct damage prevention and leak detection. All of our field technicians are equipped with mobile devices capable of retrieving and submitting critical information for a more streamlined workflow that not only saves time and money, but provides more accurate results that are easily accessible to decision makers.

Premier Utility Services

Conducting hydrant inventories to aid in civil engineering municipal works

We were able to deliver all of the information to the client via a user-friendly interface that allowed decision makers to view hydrant locations, attributes, and digital photos all from one program.

Rodriguez Consulting

Creating purpose-built digital workflow solutions

Field techs are able to collect additional valuable data in shorter amounts of time, and whether an inspection is conducted by one of their employees or a subcontractor, they know they are getting the same data, in the same format.
Chris Bartlett, Chief Technology Officer
Sequel Group

Southern California Edison boosts operational efficiency with Fulcrum

"There are always new programs we need to pilot, and it’s incredibly convenient to integrate them into Fulcrum without extensive development time. Fulcrum allows us to add new elements as standalone solutions."
Chuck Dykes, Project Manager
Southern California Edison
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