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The Fulcrum Focus

Stay in the know with thought leadership, product updates, and latest news on field inspection and data collection topics.

True offline maps for Android

No network – no problem! Using maps when offline in Fulcrum
Today we added a much anticipated feature to our Android client that now allows users to save time and bandwidth. Previously in order to utilize true offline maps on Android, each map would have to be uploaded to your account, and then downloaded back down to each device. This presents challenges for users with limited to zero Internet connectivity.

Environmental data collection with Fulcrum

GIS has become a newly cherished friend to the environment, standing out as the only tool multi-faceted enough to create predictive models. These models incorporate the multiple relationships and compound effects involved in environmental impact decisions. To gather the data for these essential models, fieldwork requires many man-hours. Read on to learn how environmental data collection has evolved.

Auto-populating address fields with reverse geocoding

Auto-populate your address fields

As you may or may not know, one of the best features of Fulcrum is the drag and drop form builder. Recently, we added support for a new type of field that many users have asked for: address fields with reverse geocoding.

Creating a culture of safety in construction: building a data-driven safety program

Despite enormous industry investment in safety, construction work continues to be one of the most dangerous jobs in America.

Introducing Fulcrum’s powerful new report builder

We on the Fulcrum team are very pleased to announce a brand-new Report Builder that dramatically enhances your ability to create and deliver professional, error-free reports to your internal or external constituents.

Construction Tech Review names Fulcrum a top provider of safety and compliance solutions

Construction Tech Review Magazine, a leading peer-to-peer resource for information and insights from the construction industry, has recognized Fulcrum as a Top Provider of Safety and Compliance Solutions!

Getting back to work safely: harnessing spatial analysis for risk mitigation in the workplace

Employers have a long list of things to think about as they resume operations after the COVID-19 closures, such as keeping their employees safe, creating a plan to ensure continued compliance with government regulations, and how to respond if an employee tests positive for COVID-19. To help in these efforts, Coleman McCormick, Fulcrum’s VP of Product co-hosted a webinar last week with Flo Broderick of CARTO about how businesses can leverage spatial analysis for risk mitigation as they reopen.

New rules for doing business in a post-COVID world

As the country reopens, corporate liability in post-COVID world comes into focus

The family of a Walmart employee who died due to complications of COVID-19 filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the company last month.

Getting back to business safely

Deploy digital cleaning & sanitization checklists at scale to protect workers. As talks begin about lifting the restrictions on nonessential businesses in the wake of COVID-19 closures, some business executives have expressed concern about the consequences of doing so too quickly. If employees return to work, contract Coronavirus, and believe they returned prematurely or to unsafe conditions, mass lawsuits could follow.

Fulcrum & CARTO partner to provide COVID-19 emergency response solutions

The COVID-19 epidemic highlights the importance of a data-driven approach. From an epidemiological view, limited test data restricts our understanding of the spread and future trajectory. Often, even available data is hard to analyze and present in a form useful for public and policymaker decisions.

The value of cloud-based services in times of crisis

As a technology company, focused on building software, we consider ourselves to be in a fortunate position during this global pandemic. With one-third of our workforce already working remotely, we are well-positioned to continue operations with minimal disruption.

Fulcrum community highlight: Nashville Strong

While the rest of us are busy washing our hands, the folks in Nashville, TN and surrounding areas are recovering from damage caused by several tornadoes that touched down on March 2nd and 3rd – while also monitoring COVID-19. Seventy thousand residents lost power, 300 injuries were reported and 25 lives were lost. We can’t stop these events from happening, but when we respond with the right tools, we can help the Nashville Strong recovery take place faster.

Fulcrum community highlight: Build Change

The foundation of any family is centered around the home. It’s the place we live, eat, sleep, and grow through many of life’s changes. Most of us make our home purchases based on neighborhood safety, convenience, education and economic opportunity.

Mobile forms software: what to look for

The days of filling out forms using pen and paper and then transcribing that information into a database for use later have come to an end. If you are still using that workflow, you have probably landed here because you’re looking for a better way.

5 tips for leveraging data for better disaster response

February is earthquake awareness month and while most of us are reviewing our plans, Puerto Rico and Jamaica have already suffered massive earthquakes, registering tremors as high as 7.7, according to the U.S. Geological Service. Puerto Rico has endured an estimated 950 aftershocks, exacerbating an already fragile situation. The island is still recovering from hurricanes Maria and Irma. Initially, these disasters left more than 250,000 people without power, with many more lacking housing, food, water, and other essentials. Last month, officials found a warehouse full of unused supplies sent to Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria over two years ago. This discovery prompted Governor Wanda Vázquez to order an investigation. While the reasons for the oversight of these supplies are still unknown, it highlights the need for process in place that uses data for disaster response to prevent such mistakes in the future.

Automate workplace safety reporting with a mobile forms app

More than 5,200 workers died on the job in 2018, according to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).

Fulcrum community highlight: Tennessee River Gorge Trust

Rivers serve as lifelines to the humans, animals, and plants in the areas where they flow. They naturally assume excess rain and minerals and nurture the growth of every living thing they touch. That’s why it’s imperative that we preserve our rivers and the natural space surrounding them. Rivers naturally change over time, but recently extreme flooding and other imbalances have caused the erosion of river boundaries, destruction of property, mold, and other problems that pose a danger to the surrounding people and area. Since 1981, the Tennessee River Gorge Trust has provided a helping hand to preserve the Tennessee River Gorge and the precious plants and animals that live and migrate in that area. The Gorge, a beautiful 26-mile canyon formed near the Tennessee River in Chattanooga, TN, is a wonder to geologists, who believe that it was formed some 290 million years ago.

How a driver vehicle inspection report app can help you keep your fleet in service

We depend on millions of commercial vehicles — from semi-trailers to school buses — to transport people and goods every day. And every year, the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) conducts about 4 million fleet inspections across North America to ensure they are operating safely.

How to create a roof inspection checklist app

Regular roof inspections are critical for detecting damage from severe weather, improper construction, and even regular wear and tear. Using a mobile roof inspection checklist can help you streamline the process and conduct more thorough inspections in less time.

Fulcrum Ready Initiative: Community impact

Every year brings a different journey and uncharted experiences that drive our growth. At the start, our country grappled with a government shutdown, casting clouds over 2019. Despite this, we reached beyond those clouds and found the strength to not only begin but also to persevere. That grit and determination have carried us through a topsy-turvy year and promise to guide us in the future.

How to conduct a job safety analysis

A worker is injured on the job every 7 seconds in the United States alone, according to the National Safety Council. Workplace injuries can result in lost workdays, lawsuits, and costly fines — not to mention needless pain and suffering for your employees. One way to prevent hazards that cause workplace illnesses and injuries is to conduct a job safety analysis (JSA).

How to collect and view records in Fulcrum (Video)

Last month, we shared a video walking you through the steps of creating a custom mobile form with Fulcrum’s drag-and-drop app builder.

Collective intelligence: Hashtags of hope #TechForGood

The birds have migrated south as the autumn air flows through our trees fashioned in bright color confirming the imminent end of 2019. We annually anticipate these changes and enjoy the bounty of Thanksgiving knowing the finish line marks the beginning of a new race. For most, it’s known as the most joyous time of the year, but for others, it’s quite difficult. Particularly those who live in areas with severe weather.

12 Gifts for People Who Love Geography

It’s the most wonderful time of the year!

If you’ve been following this blog for a while, you know that we’re a bunch of geography nerds here at Spatial Networks. So every year around this time we like to put together a list of gifts for people who love geography to help you with your holiday shopping! (Or to help your loved ones shop for you, whichever the case may be.) Here are our picks for this year.

How to create an app in Fulcrum (Video)

How to create Fulcrum apps

Creating custom mobile forms in Fulcrum is super easy with our drag-and-drop app builder.

Field data collection with Fulcrum, Mapbox, and NetHope

Last week we hosted a hands-on workshop on data collection with Fulcrum during the NetHope Summit in San Juan. As part of the joint workshop from myself and Mapbox’s Mikel Maron, we wanted to showcase how to go from the beginning to end — creating a mobile collection survey through field collection all the way to visualization (online or disconnected) with Mapbox’s Atlas server.

Hurricane Dorian: Road to recovery

September will never be the same for the Bahamas. Hurricane Dorian obliterated the Abaco Islands and Grand Bahama in a matter of hours, changing the island and everyone that lived there. At the present time, there are 67 reported deaths, 777 people living in shelters, 200 reported missing and thousands of residents are displaced. In one day, the northwest region of the Bahamas was forever changed and it’s expected to take years before it returns to a livable community.

Upgrading a legacy GIS system on a budget

Randal Hale is a longtime Fulcrum user and the owner of North River Geographic Systems, Inc., a GIS consulting firm based in Chattanooga, TN. He was kind enough to share the details of his experience helping his client — a local 911 office — convert their GIS system to a more affordable, flexible setup using Fulcrum!

Qualitative data collection vs. quantitative data collection

Data collection can be beneficial for just about any business. You can streamline processes and workflows by asking the same questions across your entire workforce, and receiving the information in a specified format.

Introducing Fulcrum Views

Fulcrum’s record editor

Fulcrum’s web-based Record Editor is used by project managers and admins to view, modify, analyze, and export data collected in the field or imported into the platform. The Editor presents your data in an interactive table with an integrated map view and includes tools for browsing and filtering out subsets of records.

Fulcrum Community Highlight: Haiti Impact Group

Haiti is home to mesmerizing beaches, tropical flowers, great food, and beauty reflective of the sun’s love affair with the Caribbean. Unfortunately, it is also home to hurricanes, earthquakes, torrential storms, flooding and the many issues that follow disasters, particularly in the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere.

Fulcrum earns FirstNet Listed designation

We received some exciting news here at Spatial Networks headquarters recently: Fulcrum is now FirstNet Listed and available via the FirstNet App Catalog!

Tools of the trade: Disaster recovery today has tech at its core

If you’re a firefighter, you need a hose. If you’re a surgeon, a scalpel. As NetHope prepares to help assess and respond to the devastation of Hurricane Dorian, we need a full complement of digital tools to aid the work in emergency situations.

Announcing our new partnership with Orbica

Spatial Networks is excited to announce our newest Fulcrum partner, Orbica!

NetHope disaster response training

The part of the world which I call home is a place in California that most people only pass through, or fly over, on their way between Los Angeles and San Francisco. Recently however, I had the good fortune that NetHope was conducting its Bay Area Disaster Response Training (DRT) right in my “backyard,” in San Luis Obispo County, CA.

Team Rubicon leverages Fulcrum in Cyclone Idai response

It was extremely hot and dusty as the caravan of humanitarian aid workers from Team Rubicon pulled up to a farmhouse in Matarara, Mozambique – 40 miles west as the crow flies from Beira, but a nearly 8-hour journey overland due to road washouts and poor conditions. Team Rubicon had arrived to as part of the Cyclone Idai response after the storm ripped through Mozambique and caused monumental flooding throughout the country.

Improving telecom operations with real-time data

In 1996, I went to work for Cambric Corporation in Salt Lake City, Utah as a deputy project manager for a telecom operations outside-plant (OSP) data conversion project. The client was Bell Canada, and we had three primary subcontractors, based in India, that were responsible for the vast majority of the labor in converting legacy analog engineering design and “as-builts” drawings in to a full AM/FM/GIS for roughly 255 telephone exchanges covering the eastern provinces of Canada. I was largely responsible for managing the production schedules, operations and quality control of our Indian subcontractors. This required a fair amount of time on the ground in India providing guidance, oversight, supervision and management of nearly 1,000 project team members for more than 18 months.

Fulcrum Community Partner Highlight: Community health mapping

Health disparities have become common conversation amongst medical professionals, politicians, and communities at large. It’s a known fact that the poorer you are, the more affected you are by the worst health indicators. Understanding this fact makes the fix sound simple: perhaps move to a new neighborhood or increase your income — that should fix these issues. Unfortunately, it’s not that simple.

EERI responds to Searles Valley earthquakes using Fulcrum Community

Fourth of July in Southern California was different this year. I’m sure most were prepared to enjoy family, friends and traditional fireworks. They most likely had made their last grocery store runs and mapped out their entertainment plan, when out of nowhere the plans were literally shook up. An earthquake measuring 6.4 in magnitude shook at 10:33 a.m., causing a swift change to the Independence Day celebrations in Searles Valley and surrounding areas. In classic Cali fashion, some felt the shaking happening and kept moving afterward thinking it’s normal California stuff since they have become accustomed to experiencing these tremors.

Five must-have construction management apps

There’s a lot more to construction work than just — well, constructing. Contractors and project managers are also responsible for meeting deadlines, construction standards, and safety regulations.

How location insights helps solve business problems

Today’s businesses have vast amounts of data, and decision-makers must use it to solve pressing problems. However, due to the high data volume and limited time for analysis, it’s crucial to cut through the noise and focus on what matters. Location intelligence streamlines this process by visually representing your data, making it easier to understand. Viewing data in a visual context, such as on a map, significantly enhances comprehension.

Top three benefits of using a mobile forms app

If your field teams are still conducting inspections and surveys with paper and clipboards, it’s time for an upgrade.

Unknown avengers: Saving lives and rebuilding, one community at a time

As the Fulcrum Community Advocate, I had the pleasure of attending the National VOAD (Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster) Conference in Nashville, TN. It was a life-changing and definitely a life-saving experience for me.

A Growing Geo Community: 2019 FOSS4G-NA Conference wrap-up

I just arrived back home in St. Pete after an awesome and productive week in San Diego for this year’s FOSS4G-NA conference. It’s North America’s version of the go-to event for those of us at the intersection of geospatial and open source. OSGeo and the local organizing committee hosted it at the Marina Village Conference Center in Mission Bay. Overall the event was a phenomenal week full of great content, new (and old) friends, time with customers and partners, and a chance to see what’s next in the industry.

The Ten most common OSHA violations

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) conducts upwards of 32,000 inspections each year, but that number is expected to rise in the near future. Earlier this month, the U.S. labor secretary said he expects jobsite inspections to increase once the new crop of OSHA agents hired in fiscal year 2018 completes training.

Entering product development: Geodexy

About Geodexy

When I joined Spatial Networks we were in the very early stages of building a data collection tool, primarily for internal use to improve speed and efficiency on data project work. That product was called Geodexy, and the model was similar to Fulcrum in concept, but in execution and tech stack, everything was completely different.

Using construction management apps for productivity and accountability

If you work in construction, you’ve probably noticed smartphones, tablets, and other new technology solutions appearing on job sites over the last few years. If you’ve been in the industry for a long time, you might even find them annoying: Why create complicated new processes when the old ones work just fine?

How mobile forms help improve utility data and compliance

The systems that provide our world with power and electricity require enormous amounts of utility data and compliance monitoring to function effectively. Energy and utility companies must constantly monitor, analyze, and respond to events that affect these complex networks to ensure their customers have electricity. What’s more, the production and distribution of energy are subject to numerous regulations, making utility data and compliance requirements crucial for operations to be documented in meticulous detail. The ability to streamline and integrate data coming in from multiple sites is critical to staying ahead of these demands.

Participating in the Census Opportunity Project

In 2016, the U.S. Census Bureau launched The Opportunity Project, “a process for engaging government, communities, and the technology industry to create digital tools that address our greatest challenges as a nation”.

Red Tide: Cause, effects, and mitigation

The toxic red tide bloom that has plagued Florida since November of 2017 seems to finally have dissipated. Last week, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission reported that the red tide organism, Karenia brevis or K. brevis, is no longer present in water samples.

Fulcrum location accuracy and Trimble Catalyst

Fulcrum records location data with each parent record, child record, and media attachment, ensuring high location accuracy. The collected data relies on the configured location provider in your mobile device’s operating system. Typically, this provider is the onboard GPS sensor, which sometimes works in conjunction with other sensors and radios in the device.