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Maps save lives: The importance of location-based data

December 22, 2020

Amid the election and pandemic, it seems every American has likely deepened their knowledge of U.S. geography. We’ve spent a substantial part of the year analyzing data. This data has pinpointed where the virus hits hardest, identified states reporting their election outcomes, and now, tracks the deployment of the coronavirus vaccine.

Having insight into location-based data has helped people around the globe have compassion and understanding toward their fellow citizens, even though they may be on different sides of the country — or the world. But during a time when there isn’t a global pandemic or presidential election monopolizing our news cycles, can we all still benefit from location-based data and analysis?

In short, yes. Maps and accurate location data save lives.

Location-based data use cases

Hopefully, you won’t find yourself in this situation anytime soon, but imagine being in an ambulance. You’ll probably take for granted that the driver of said ambulance knows the easiest, quickest way from your home to the nearest hospital. In some cases, having accurate location data can mean the difference between life and death.

Organizations like the American Red Cross and UNICEF wouldn’t exist without accurate geographical information that helps inform where they can make the biggest impact on the neediest communities. Doctors Without Borders relied heavily on geographical data during the ebola and coronavirus outbreaks to ensure that even the most remote communities had access to healthcare, as well as ensuring that the viruses didn’t spread even further.

Colorful partially folded paper map as visual representation of The importance of location-based data

Location-based data has revolutionized industries such as agriculture, engineering, and construction. It enhances the quality and efficiency of their products and services beyond prior expectations. Moreover, service providers who ensure our homes and offices function smoothly rely on this data daily. It is crucial for maintaining essential utilities like electricity and water.

Final thoughts

Most people overlook the importance of maps, assuming navigators inherently know their paths. Yet, ensuring that essential tools, such as Fulcrum, reach those in need is crucial for maintaining safety and health standards. Fulcrum plays a pivotal role in this process. Technology minimizes human errors when utilized properly, which in turn, conserves lives, time, and money. Fulcrum’s user-friendly, no-code platform allows organizations to transform paper checklists into digital forms quickly. These are distributed to field teams for completion on their mobile devices. Through a web-based dashboard, managers have the capability to monitor the progress of inspections, deliveries, or repairs in real-time, including their precise locations.

If you’re interested in learning more about how Fulcrum can empower your organization with location-based insights, request a demo today.