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The Logistics of collecting field data

May 21, 2018

Collecting field data can be a complex process, requiring time, money, and people. That’s why logistics are important. A successful project design will save you from wasting time, energy, and resources, and ensure the most reliable data possible.

Tips for planning an effective field data collection project‍

1. Define your purpose

Before you start collecting field data, make sure your goals and objectives are clearly defined. What do you want to learn?

There will likely be more data you can collect in the field than is necessary, so beware of scope creep! Collecting additional data that is not critical to your purpose can quickly increase costs and time spent conducting your survey.‍

2. Build your survey

The design of your survey greatly impacts how you collect, process, and analyze data. An effective survey stays specific and laser-focused. Scrutinize any “nice to have” information to decide if it’s truly necessary, as it can consume valuable time in the field.

When designing your questions, think about how you will process the data. For example, do you want open-ended questions, or would you prefer offering a range of structured answers for respondents to choose from?

Check out our tips on building a survey for field data collection.

Another thing to consider is whether you will need supporting reference information while the data is being collected. For example, if a surveyor needs to verify that he or she is within a specific area, how will they confirm that?

Design and logistics go hand-in-hand.‍

3. Train your collectors

Your staff’s thorough understanding of the project will show in the quality of your field data, so don’t skimp on training. Explain the overarching project and emphasize why their role is important. Give them a reason to feel invested in the outcome.

Introduce the tools they will use in the field. If they are using mobile technology, ensure someone with deep expertise trains them.

Next, walk them through the survey. Go over each question and make sure your data collectors know exactly what they need to deliver.

If your field teams will be surveying people, they will need to be trained on protocol, such as:

  • Don’t prompt answers to the respondents
  • Let the respondent take his or her time answering the questions
  • Follow the sequence of the questions
  • Read out all the possible responses correctly to respondents
  • When moving from one section of the questions to another, give the respondent a heads up so they know you’re shifting gears

We recommend pairing more experienced technicians with newer ones so they can share their skills and knowledge. Older surveyors tend to have more domain experience while the younger ones are often better at working with technology, so they are cross-trained by the end of the project!‍

4. Plot your course

It may seem obvious that you know “where” you’re going to gather data from, but it’s crucial to have a plan before you start.

You’ll want to consider things like:

How many hours per day it will be possible to collect data? What is the distance between collection sites and how will your surveyors travel between them? How long does it take to complete each survey? Does it make more sense to start at the furthest location and work backward? If you are collecting data from multiple sites, there will be an optimal route. Find out what it is!‍

5. Outfit your teams

Lastly, consider what your collectors will need to conduct your survey safely and effectively. How much time do they need? Should they break into teams of two, three, or more? What tools do they need? How will they handle inclement weather? Try to think of every possible scenario and prepare for it.

Check and double-check your gear, and ensure everything is in working order. Make sure surveyors have extra batteries or a designated location on their route where they can charge their devices.

Once you have taken these steps, you’re ready to start collecting data!

But you’re not finished yet…

‍Post-collection considerations

When you start receiving data, you’ll need to do some:


Watch your teams in the field and monitor your data to note common mistakes and inconsistencies. Share that information with the collectors, and solicit feedback from them as well. They may need extra training or resources to do their jobs correctly, or you may need to make changes to your survey.


Once you have collected a batch of data, you may need to process it for visualization or analysis. This step can vary quite a bit depending on how the data was gathered. For example, if your protocol dictates that data will be collected with pen and paper, you’ll need to enter the information into a computer spreadsheet or database.

Every additional step introduces a new opportunity for error, so the more you can automate the process, the better.


The next step is to analyze the results of your survey by diving deep into your data. A thorough evaluation of your findings may support your hypothesis or disprove it, or introduce possibilities you didn’t even know existed! Either way, if your analysis offers measurable facts, you will have more confidence in your conclusions.


Once your data has been analyzed, you may want to distribute or publish your findings. You can use various methods to convey your results: charts, maps, graphics, reports, etc. A combination of methods will often work best to tell your story.

Remember that not all data collection platforms are created equal. Some (like Fulcrum!) allow your data to be instantly distributed in a variety of formats once it’s collected. You can also consider other integrations, such as the ability to connect your data to third-party services.

Want to learn more? Sign up for a free custom demo today!