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Geography 2050: Exploring the future of energy, geography, and humanity

September 4, 2018

Every year since 2014, the American Geographical Society (AGS) has hosted Geography 2050, a multi-year strategic dialogue among thought leaders from academia, government, business, and the nonprofit sector.

The focus of the annual symposium is to facilitate discussion of the technology and trends that will shape the geography of our planet over the coming decades.

Spatial Networks is proud to be a sponsor of Geography 2050, which will be held Nov. 15-16 on the beautiful campus of Columbia University in New York City.

This year’s event, entitled Powering Our Future Planet, will explore the role of energy in geopolitics, environmental quality, transportation, military conflicts, standards of living, food production, technical innovation and more.

Symposium focus

The symposium will comprise 7 themes this year, each seeking to answer a critical question:

The Energy Context. What are the geographical dimensions of energy transitions?

Environmental Consequences of Energy Supply and Demand. How important are location, scale, and networks in influencing the ecological consequences of energy?

Geopolitics of Energy Systems. What will the global energy map and its geopolitical implications in 2050?

Emerging Energy Technologies. What new technologies and approaches will reshape the energy terrain?

Geospatial Technologies and Energy. How will production, distribution, and consumption of energy be influenced by geospatial technologies?

Social Dimensions of Energy Access. How will the growing demands of the world’s 9 billion people influence energy access, especially in the developing world?

Energy Adaptation Strategies. How will energy systems adapt to climate change?

Some of the most innovative and creative experts on geography, climate, and more, will participate in this year’s event, including internationally recognized energy expert Dr. Martin “Mike” Pasqualetti of Arizona State University, who will serve as the program chair.

It’s sure to be an engaging and informative two days, and we always enjoy catching up with our AGS friends and colleagues!

Visit geography2050.org to learn more about this year’s symposium and register. Hope to see you there!