Fulcrum’s record editor
Fulcrum’s web-based Record Editor is used by project managers and admins to view, modify, analyze, and export data collected in the field or imported into the platform. The Editor presents your data in an interactive table with an integrated map view and includes tools for browsing and filtering out subsets of records.
We rebuilt the Editor a couple of years ago and included local persistence. This feature saves any filtering, sorting, or column adjustments to your browser and applies them when you return to your app. While this adds basic convenience, we realized room for improvement exists. The added functionality enabled the Editor to become the default operational view into ongoing fieldwork.

As fieldwork progresses, record counts increase, and teams grow, making data quality control imperative. Reviewing data as soon as it becomes available prevents major headaches down the road, saving time and money. Redesign forms, retrain technicians, and get back on course before collecting unusable data and requiring revisits.
Fulcrum views
With this in mind, we recently introduced a new method for saving these settings as “Fulcrum Views.” A View combines filters, sorting, and column adjustments that can be named and saved for future reference. For example, let’s say you have a consistent operational need to review/download all inspection records updated in the previous 7 days with a status of Pass. You could set up a custom filter using a combination of fields (Status, Updated At, etc.), sort by timestamp, hide some nonessential fields, and save a view called Weekly Review for easy future access, without having to recreate all your settings.

Dynamic date filters (Last 7 days, This Month, etc.) keep the view’s date range current. Save the view to access it via the app selector dropdown. You can also find it in the views list below the app name on the Fulcrum dashboard.

Fulcrum views are accessible only to the user who creates them, but we are exploring additional sharing options for future updates. Start building some views to increase your productivity in the office today!