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Fulcrum on X

FEMA Corps perspectives on Fulcrum for disaster assistance

June 19, 2013

Last month, FEMA Blue 1 attended a 2013 Joint Interagency Field Exercise (JIFX) hosted by the Naval Postgraduate School in Camp Roberts, California. NPS conducts a biannual RELIEF conference that fosters innovation and cooperation toward disaster response and is attended by representatives from academia; private industry; state, local, and federal government; non-profits; and international organizations.

Fema Blue Team 1 With Tony And Coleman Testing Fulcrum For Disaster Assistance

FEMA Blue 1 team with Tony and Coleman

Disaster assistance experiments

Blue 1’s mission was to help FEMA conduct experiments designed to evaluate several aspects of the disaster assistance process. We spent our days comparing the flexibility and functionality of iPads, Samsung and Nexus tablets, and various disaster applications in mock field exercises. Throughout the week, we worked closely with Spatial Networks’ Tony Quartararo and Coleman McCormick and their application, Fulcrum.

Fulcrum is an extremely flexible open source map program that can be tailored to almost any context. At JIFX, Blue 1 collaborated with Spatial Networks to build Fulcrum to the unique characteristics of disaster response.

We met Tony and Coleman almost immediately after receiving a variety of mobile devices for field testing. They checked to ensure the proper installation of Fulcrum. They then configured each device, and explained how the application functioned. Shortly after, we headed into the field to test different applications and begin collecting data.

Each device and application presented unique challenges, leading to occasional bugs and frustrations. The Nexus tablet’s front-only camera made damage assessment photos difficult to capture efficiently. Some applications relied entirely on connectivity, limiting their effectiveness in the field. The Pelican cases offered little protection for iPads during field operations, exposing them to potential damage.

Despite these challenges, we enjoyed logging pseudo hazards like “Bigfoot spotted” and marking DRC locations as “Narnia.” After returning to the tent, we debriefed the exercise with our points of contact and discussed key takeaways.

Testing Fulcrum in the field

Throughout the week’s field testing, Tony and Coleman quickly implemented our feedback to improve the application for our needs. Direct access to Fulcrum’s programmers enhanced our experience with the platform and made data collection more efficient. JIFX provided a unique opportunity for Blue 1 to engage with both government and private organizations. We contributed to developing products that could play a critical role in future disaster response efforts.

Working closely with Tony and Coleman allowed us to see Fulcrum evolve in real time to meet our needs. Their willingness to adapt the application benefited both our team and FEMA’s disaster response efforts. We truly appreciated their accessibility and openness throughout JIFX and look forward to collaborating again in the future!

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NCCC-FEMA Corps is a partnership between the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC). Modeled after AmeriCorps NCCC’s traditional program, FEMA Corps is a full-time, team-based, residential program for young adults ages 18 to 24. FEMA Corps Members are deployed exclusively to support disaster response and recovery projects. These projects range from working directly with disaster survivors to supporting disaster recovery centers to sharing disaster response and mitigation information with the public.