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Fulcrum data collection app adds status tracking

August 14, 2020

I would like to start off by thanking the countless users that have been emailing us their feature requests. While we have always planned on adding a lot of the features that users have requested, there have been a lot of feature requests that we have not thought of. It is really interesting to hear how all of you are using Fulcrum for data collection. With a product that is so moldable to the user, we never could have imagined all of the possible use cases. A recent update brought two features that have been requested by a lot of users; an enhanced export tool and a record status tracking field. We hope that our users are happy with these new enhancements and gladly welcome any feedback regarding their functionality.

Export tool improvements

We were never completely satisfied with the original export wizard. While we supported numerous export formats, there was a lot to be desired in regards to what data you can export. Now users have the ability to:

  • Export multiple apps at once (separate directories within a zip file)
  • Export data by project name
  • Spatial filter selection (select a bounding box over a spatial area during export)
  • Date range filter based on when records were created, updated, synced, etc.
  • Adds ability to set the time zone for the data (especially helpful for all of you near the international date line)
  • And the ability to include the record ID

We are in no way done making further enhancements to the exporter and the importer. In the coming month, you can expect to see more features that increase the functionality to export and import data. To share a few with you; updating existing records, assigning records to members, and import support for all field types.

Record status tracking

We’ve added a special single-choice field for your apps that allows you to change the symbology color based on the value selected. Now data collectors and administrators can see the status of their data based on custom symbology. This feature can be used for a variety of use cases; not simply to show the status of a record but maybe even to distinguish between record types (i.e. residential v commercial building). As with everything else, I am sure we will see interesting and unique use cases for this.

You can read more about these functions and how to operate them in our online help section.

In closing I would like to, again, thank all of our users that have submitted feedback for feature requests. Feel free to continue submitting your feedback to us!