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Fulcrum at the Esri Federal GIS Conference

March 18, 2012

Later this week we’ll be at the Esri Federal GIS Conference showcasing Fulcrum, along with some other Spatial Networks capabilities and data to a host of federal agency representatives, NGOs, GIS professionals, and others.

The federal marketplace is replete with organizations that have a need for mobile data collection tools. With smartphones ubiquitous, cheap, and in most cases built with more advanced hardware and software than many high-end specialized electronics, easy-to-use apps are becoming incredibly attractive even to large organizations looking for a simplified solution to a long-standing problem. Fulcrum is our response to the question: “Can the process of collecting data in the field be simplified down to the bare essentials for field workers and collection teams?”

We designed this tool to address data collection, not to provide a full “mobile GIS package.” In most cases, a complete GIS setup for field collectors is unnecessary. Fulcrum allows management teams to create advanced field data collection forms using our web portal. Teams then deploy these forms to multiple field devices for fast and powerful data collection. Our goal is to make collection seamless, even offline, and to deliver field data directly into office systems. This data integrates easily with other sources, ready for analysis in tools like ArcMap, ArcGIS Server, and other platforms.

Visit booth #220 at the conference on Wednesday and Thursday (22nd and 23rd) to explore Fulcrum. See what modern mobile data collection in action, and follow @fulcrumapp on Twitter for updates throughout the week.