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Closing the loop between field inspection and meaningful action

July 22, 2022

Does your company use an open-loop or closed-loop field inspection management program? Not sure? In a nutshell, open-loop inspection management means you’re doing inspections, fixing things you note on the spot, but then that’s it.

For closed-loop, you do the inspection, fix anything that might need fixing right away, then the best part: You take the data you’ve collected from this inspection, and all the ones before it, and see where there are trends, recurring problems, and ongoing issues. You then use those insights to tweak, edit, or totally overhaul how you do things for smart, impactful changes that drive continuous process improvements.

Obviously, every company wants the second option. Luckily, we’ve got just the thing with great new features that will help you close the loop from inspection to continuous organizational improvements, making the management of your teams and gaining insight into your field inspection programs easier than ever. The functionality includes:

Location-mapping of safety and quality issues

Promote understanding organization-wide of where safety and quality issues are in the field for efficient resolution, and gain insights into trends using the map view to drive improvement across teams. Find out how in our article Managing the Issues List.

Female Construction Worker Performing Field Inspection Using Cell Phone

Integrated app and checklist inspection task assignment

Assign the right type of inspection for every situation – learn more in our Link an App to a Task article or watch this quick video walk-through.

Task assignment notifications

Close the inspection and remediation task communication gap with reliable, consistent communication so your team members can plan their work and complete tasks efficiently. Find out more in our Task Notifications article.

For more information

For a more in-depth look into the Fulcrum closed loop field inspection management functionality, check out our data sheet, Automate Field Inspection Management.

Finally, we have two webinars to choose from. For people who already have a strong understanding of Fulcrum, our webinar on August 30, 2022 at 2pm Eastern will give a sketch of closed-loop field inspection management and then go over the new functionality in detail. For people who are less familiar with Fulcrum but who want to know more about closed-loop field inspection management, our webinar on September 1, 2022 at 2pm Eastern will spend more time on the closed-loop aspect of things. (Not to worry, you’ll still get a basic demo.)

Whichever you choose, it will be free. But registration is limited, so you’ll definitely want to sign up today.

And, just in case you were worried, the new functionality is free with your current Fulcrum subscription.