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Better integration with SaaS data collection tools

July 27, 2023

In this part 2 of our series on SaaS data collection tools for electric utilities, we highlight the superiority of SaaS platforms in integrating with other digital systems like GIS, business intelligence, and analytics software. These integrations allow for seamless data exchange and maximize the utility of each system, ultimately helping utilities reduce workflow friction, save money, and scale operations. Keep reading to find out more!

Operations without integration

When utilities only use in-house solutions without proper integration, they will constantly grapple with a wide range of communication, data quality, and cost challenges. When systems can’t talk to each other, data becomes trapped within applications and results in siloed operations creating isolated teams, disjointed strategies, duplicated tasks, and constant delays – all increasing costs and reducing operational efficiency.

Without integration, data collection tools also remain isolated; over time, this produces data inconsistencies and inaccuracies. Siloed operations and poor-quality data impede the smooth, rapid flow of information necessary for timely decision-making.

And finally, non-integrated systems make data consolidation for regulatory reporting more difficult and time-consuming, increasing the risk of non-compliance with industry regulations.

Superior Integration with SaaS

SaaS data collection tools are designed to seamlessly integrate with other platforms like GIS, business intelligence applications, and more, an interoperability that fosters more reliable data collection and improves data-driven decision-making. With superior integration capabilities, electrical utilities can leverage SaaS data collection tools to:

  • Enhance data visibility: By allowing multiple systems to “talk” to each other, integration creates a comprehensive data landscape that provides real-time visibility into operations, making it easier to identify issues, trends, and opportunities. Better visibility translates into data-driven decision-making, which is the key to operational efficiency and strategic planning.

As an example, when you inspect a transformer, the data collected is not simply for the benefit of the initial data collector. Instead, the data is shared with your GIS to make note of its location, as well as pushed to the asset management system to eliminate any separate, redundant inventory of the same asset.

  • Boost operational efficiency: By facilitating data flow between systems, SaaS platforms streamline workflows and boost productivity by reducing errors and duplicated efforts such as performing a separate inventory step as outlined in the transformer example in #1 above. Being able to analyze and interpret data quickly also means a more responsive and proactive management of resources and tasks.
  • Improved collaboration and reporting: An integrated SaaS data collection tool enhances collaboration and reporting by enabling easy data sharing among all stakeholders, including different teams, contractors, regulatory agencies, and more.

For example, vegetation management, installation, and repair teams might all have information that can be consolidated so that when there’s a storm recovery effort, the emergency response team has a better understanding of where assets are and their likely vulnerabilities. Thus, improved access to the same underlying information improves coordination, fosters better decision-making, and reduces the likelihood of miscommunications.

Better integration with SaaS data collection tools

Integration for innovation

In the evolving landscape of digital solutions for electric utilities, SaaS data collection tools stand out for their seamless integration capabilities. By eliminating information silos, enhancing data reliability, and facilitating communication, SaaS data collection tools like Fulcrum put your data to work by unlocking new workflow efficiencies, operational effectiveness, and cost savings. As we navigate an increasingly digital world, these platforms not only bridge the gap between systems but redefine what our data can do for us.

Ready to learn more? Then check out blog #3  in our series to learn how SaaS data collection tools like Fulcrum can help electric utilities optimize their financial resources.

And finally, if you missed the first installation in our SaaS Data Collection Tools Are Best for Electric Utilities, you can check it out here.