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ASSP digital survey of job site application

By The Fulcrum Team
June 13, 2023

Fulcrum, a recent partner of the American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP), introduced the Fulcrum ASSP Starter field inspection platform back in April. One of the two fully-customizable ANSI/ASSP processes that come with the Starter platform is ASSP digital Survey of Job Site. Join us as we go through the app and check out some of its features.

Based on Appendix A of the ANSI/ASSP A10.8-2019 standard, you can use the Survey of Job Site application as a template for creating your own job site inspection processes. Some things we noted include:

Easy Safe/Not Safe buttons

Starting at the top, the first entries reference the site’s safe access and movement. These items include work areas, walkways, ladders, and more. Clicking on the “Safe” option allows us to go to the next item in the list.

Adding comments

As noted above, choose “safe” to move to the next entry. Picking “not safe” opens a prompt for recording details about the unsafe condition(s) (Fig 1 below).

Adding photos

At the bottom of each of the sections, take photos or add existing photos to help visualize conditions noted above (Fig 2).

One-click location information

By clicking the Locate button at the bottom center, you’re taken to a GIS map with exact coordinates. By pressing the checkmark in the upper right corner, you add this location data to the record you’re creating (Fig 3).

Simple report creation

Click the “report” button at the lower left corner to automatically synchronize your record with the Fulcrum server. It will then generate a PDF report that you can easily use for email, upload, or sharing with others (as shown in Fig 4).

The digital version of the ANSI/ASSP survey of job site allows users to pinpoint locations and add photos for observations. Additionally, it includes GIS overlays. It also facilitates the creation of data-rich reports you can share with just a tap or two.

So, for all you ASSP members, sign up today for your free Fulcrum ASSP Starter, and get started saving time (and effort) with this great app!

Screenshots of ASSP digital survey of job site application on mobile

enlarged record of ASSP digital survey of job site