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App dashboard, record title popups, and online media links

By The Fulcrum Team
August 5, 2014

The latest updates to the Fulcrum web interface include some exciting new features and enhancements. The most prominent change is the new “App Dashboard” page. We’ve streamlined the main Fulcrum landing page, moving the administrative tools to the new App Dashboard page and making the core tools more prominent. Clicking on the app name now takes you to the App Dashboard page, where you can access the administrative tools along with a high level snapshot of activity within that particular app.

Fulcrum App Dashboard Highlights Featured Image

App dashboard highlights


  • Monitor total record & contributor counts
  • View contributor activity with direct links to changesets


  • Upload a custom image for each app
  • Additional safeguards to prevent unintentional deletion of your apps


  • View members and their roles
  • Manage membership access from within the app dashboard

Data Shares

  • Manage data shares from within the app dashboard

Record title popups

A number of users have requested the ability to quickly view a record title without having to open the full record page. We’ve listened to your input and are happy to announce the addition of record title popups. When hovering over a marker on the map or split view screen you will now see the record title. To close the popup, simply click off the marker or hover over another marker. This enhancement should reduce the number of clicks it takes to find your record and improve overall workflow efficiency.

One of the most powerful capabilities of Fulcrum is the ability to quickly capture rich media attachments. While the ability to associate multiple photos or videos with a single field makes fieldwork more efficient, it has traditionally been a challenge to manage this one-to-many relationship with the exported data back in the office. Most desktop GIS and spreadsheet applications cannot easily parse through the list of media ID’s provided in the export, so linking directly to the files has always required some grunt work- until now.

From now on all exports and data shares will automatically include special URL fields for directly accessing associated media files (photos, videos, and signatures). This URL field makes it easy to view multiple files that may be associated with a single field, by taking the user to a single landing page with links to the individual items. You will need to be logged in to your Fulcrum account in order to access the URL’s included in the exports, while data share links simply require the included share token.

The media landing page provides a single endpoint URL that can be used as a hyperlink field in your GIS or spreadsheets application. In addition to convenience, accessing media files via URL links rather than including photos in your downloads can significantly reduce processing time and produce much smaller export files.

Share your ideas

Many of these enhancements are a direct result of user feedback. We value your feedback and encourage you to send us feedback at support@fulcrumapp.com). As always, feel free to send us a Tweet and share your Fulcrum adventures!

App Dashboard Media Images