We have a lot of Fulcrum customers that work in the fields of engineering and architecture, and when designing and constructing facilities of any size, it is imperative to be compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act design standards. In researching ADA compliance, I used the New England ADA Center’s ADA Checklist for Existing Facilities form to build a custom ADA Fulcrum app. The New England ADA Center is one of ten members of the ADA National Network, and publishes the checklists. I found their checklists to be extremely comprehensive. Because Fulcrum is so flexible, it took me about 30 minutes to build most of the Priority 1 checklist. You can see how easy it is to use in the video below.
More work is still needed in order to use this app; if anyone is willing to complete it, we would love the opportunity to share your ADA compliant app in our App Gallery for all to use. I believe it could help a lot of businesses owners increase their compliance. If you are interested in completing the app, create a Fulcrum trial account, go to the App Gallery, download the ADA Checklist app into your Fulcrum account and start adding fields from the checklist.
ADA Checklist for Existing Facilities includes
- Priority 1: Approach & Entrance (Started this section)
- Priority 2: Access to Goods & Services
- Priority 3: Toilet Rooms
- Priority 4: Additional Access – Drinking Fountains, Public Telephones & Fire Alarms
Recreational checklists includes
- Amusement Rides
- Fishing Facilities
- Golf Facilities
- Miniature Golf Facilities
- Play Areas
- Recreational Boating Facilities
- Swimming Pools, Wading Pools & Spas
- Miscellaneous – Areas of Sports Activities, Team or Player Seating, Exercise Machines & Equipment, Bowling Lanes, Saunas & Steam Rooms, and Shooting Facilities
I was able to find my answers very quickly at the ADA National Network. If you have any questions about ADA compliance, I recommend calling 800-949-4232. When calling, your number automatically gets routed to the local center so that they can be more familiar with your specific building codes and state regulations.