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Five reasons why your business needs safety inspection software

By The Fulcrum Team
April 27, 2023

Safety inspections are critical for many reasons – minimizing risk, keeping workers safe, ensuring compliance, building a reputable safety record, and winning new business. Depending on error-prone and inefficient manual methods such as paper-based systems or spreadsheets to perform inspections shouldn’t be the norm – not when there is a much better option available. Digital safety inspection software is increasingly popular for conducting safety inspections, and for good reason. To start, safety inspection software streamlines the inspection process to efficiently capture more accurate data, improving safety-related decisions that reduce risk, and more.

Join us as we delve deeper into the major benefits of safety inspection software and why better safety outcomes are just the beginning. 

Improved compliance

Consistency is the key to compliance. Safety inspection software improves compliance by ensuring inspections are regularly scheduled and executed by letting you create, track, and assign inspection duties. With real-time data and analytics, safety managers can better identify potential safety risks and areas for improvement, laying out a clear runway for proactive remediation or workflow changes that reduce the likelihood of compliance violations and improves overall safety outcomes. Digital tools also help automate the compliance processes, such as tracking identified safety issues and notifying remediation teams so that corrective actions are taken as quickly as possible.

Increased efficiency and productivity

Safety inspection software automates inspection and remediation processes, such as creating inspection tasks with detailed SOPS, tracking safety issues, and managing corrective actions. With digital tasks and checklists, the software also standardizes safety inspection tasks across different sites and teams, reducing the likelihood of errors and inconsistencies. Real-time data and communication allow managers to identify trends, make data-driven decisions about priority work, and collaborate with team members and stakeholders, also fueling productivity gains.

Worker performing a safety inspection at a construction site using safety inspection software

Guaranteed accurate and value-added information

Safety inspection software consistently guarantees accurate and reliable information, starting with custom checklists and SOPs that help inspectors collect the right inspection data the first time around, reducing redundancies and human error. Once captured, data is stored in a standardized format and in a central cloud repository, reducing the likelihood of errors or inconsistencies. More than that, inspection software excels at collecting and sharing value-added data like pictures, videos, and maps, alongside geolocation data that is automatically collected and time-stamped for every record. 

Improved risk management

Safety inspection software improves risk management by collecting more accurate and timely inspection data. This assists safety professionals in identifying trends, patterns, and potential risk factors before significant safety issues arise. Advanced dashboards in best-in-class software like Fulcrum help safety managers visualize data, identify areas for improvement, and support data-driven decision-making. And with better data in hand, you develop better strategies to mitigate risks before they lead to accidents or compliance issues. Safety inspection software also enables collaboration and communication between team members and even external stakeholders involved in risk management. With real-time alerts and cloud connection, everyone operates from the same playbook where we identify potential risks.

Easy data sharing and report creation

Mobile access and real-time data sharing significantly boost communication in the field. Inspectors can collect, attach, and distribute various types of data, such as photos, videos, and maps, with great speed. And streamlined data sharing means everyone can quickly come together to help identify emerging safety issues and take corrective action. Back in the office, digital platforms automatically generate inspection reports, saving time and reducing the risk of data-entry errors. Users can also create customized report templates that align with either internal or external requirements. A centralized database of all your inspection information makes it easier to share data with customers and stakeholders. In addition,  leading safety inspection software like Fulcrum can generate reports in a wide array of different formats.

Leave no inspection behind

Without safety inspection software, you’re not only wasting your time, money, and potential insights. You’re also lagging far behind the curve of a digital revolution that your competitors, customers, and regulatory bodies overseeing your work have already embraced. Without a digital overhaul, you’ll fall behind. Compliance will become more challenging, safety won’t improve, and from here, it’s only a short step until clients avoid you altogether.

Safety inspection software doesn’t leave any inspection behind. It collects, analyzes, and leverages every data point you need to ensure compliance and minimize risk. This ensures a continuous improvement in safety and your bottom line.

Safety professionals, want to learn how to get Fulcrum for free? Read about the American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP) and find out how your ASSP membership gives you free access to Fulcrum-ASSP starter!