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Fulcrum 2014 year in review

By The Fulcrum Team
December 31, 2014

Looking back, 2014 year in review was an exciting year for Spatial Networks and Team Fulcrum! Looking back at our accomplishments over the past twelve months, it’s clear that Fulcrum has really matured into a stable, feature-rich platform, which is fast becoming the go-to solution for structured geographic data collection. We have a dedicated and diverse customer base who are using Fulcrum all across the globe, in ways we never could have imagined and 2015 is looking to be another exciting year!

Spatial Networks Logo On Door Fulcrum 2014 Year In Review

Expansion of Team Fulcrum

Team Fulcrum grew by 10 new hires in 2014! Jason and I joined the engineering team early in the year, while Steve joined the geography group, Molly started rocking business development, Jenn took over number crunching, Tara joined the marketing team, Josh took over Android development, Crystal headed up the analytics group, Kara took over admin duties, and Cory took on product management responsibilities.

We also completed an epic office move from our old Clearwater location to our new, beautiful home in downtown St. Petersburg, FL. The entire team descended upon our new St. Pete headquarters in December for a unique All Hands Week where it was quite literally “out with the old and in with the new.”

We are always looking for new talent, so if you think you might be interested in joining the team, drop us a line.

Rocking the conferences

With all this new help, we were able to hit the conference circuit in full force this year. We traveled around the world speaking, giving workshops, following industry trends, and meeting with our users and partners to help drive product development and stay abreast of technological, social, and geographic trends. Here’s a review of some of our travels:

2014 Year In Review Conferences

Quarter 1 conference

  • In March, Coleman and Patrick traveled to the GCT 2014 Conference in Tunisia to meet with organizations working on mapping projects throughout Africa. Coleman gave a presentation on field data collection techniques, covering methodologies for efficient digital data collection.

Conferences for Q2

  • The annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers (AAG) convened in Tampa in April. With the meeting practically in our backyard, the Spatial Networks crew manned a booth and greeted follow geographers.
  • In May, the annual GEOINT Symposium was held in Tampa as well. We presented at the Mobile GEOINT Tradecraft Workshop and manned a booth where we had the privilege to meet and chat with a diverse group of folks from the intelligence, defense, and homeland security communities, along with other vendors and attendees.

Quarter 3 conferences

  • In August, Molly attended the Maryland Association of Counties (MACo) Conference, introducing municipal representatives to the power of the Fulcrum platform.
  • September was a busy month with Coleman heading to New Orleans to speak at the GIS-Pro Conference, while Jason and I attended FOSS4G in Portland, OR. In addition, Kyle headed to the GeCo in the Rockies Conference, and our design team attended the Circles Conference in Texas. After returning from Portland, I joined Andie and Steve at the Central Florida GIS Workshop in Orlando, where I gave a presentation on BootLeaf, my open source responsive web mapping template.

Q4 conferences

  • In early October, Coleman and I capped off a series of webinars on using Fulcrum for fish & wildlife management by attending the annual Organization of Fish & Wildlife Information Managers (OFWIM) Conference in Flagstaff, AZ. We also held a live Fulcrum workshop for conference attendees and had the pleasure of meeting some great folks who are collecting a lot of interesting data!
  • In addition, in November several SNI folks headed to NYC for the Geography2050 Conference. This was hosted by the American Geographical Society and sponsored in part by Spatial Networks. Our very own founder, Tony Quartararo, moderated a panel discussing how technology will fundamentally change how we understand geography in the future. Molly headed to the International Association of Emergency Managers(IAEM) Conference in Texas to meet with folks leading HADR initiatives.
  • Finally, earlier this month, a small contingent traveled to Orlando for the PowerGen Conference while Kyle and I had the opportunity to attend the CartoDB14 partner event and workshop at CARTO’s NYC office. I gave a lightning talk and we did a brief demo showing how structured data collected with Fulcrum can be mapped, queried, and analyzed in real-time when integrated with CARTO services. We also met with our CARTO colleagues to discuss tighter integration strategies and other opportunities for 2015.

Features galore

To sum up, 2014 was a year of exciting new feature releases, along with the usual bug squashing, stability improvements, and design tweaks. We started the year off with a massive update, which included relational table functionality and are ending the year with some solid sync speed and stability improvements. Here’s a recap of what the engineering team has been working on for the last 12 months…


  • Added New Features like repeatable fields, advanced export formats, improved data import wizard, automatic conflict resolution & data merging, batch PDF report generation, and interactive offline maps.





  • New App Dashboard page for viewing app activity and accessing administrative tools.
  • Record Title Popups for quickly viewing a record title without having to open the full record page.
  • Online Media Links with landing pages for directly accessing media files (photos, videos, and signatures).



  • Fulcrum Map Embeds for easily creating an embeddable map from data shares. This is complete with a custom title, popup content, and map extent.



Anticipation for 2015

We want to wish all our friends, clients, colleagues, and partners a happy, healthy, and productive new year! Stay tuned for plenty more to come in 2015!