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Fulcrum Live 2017 recap

August 30, 2017

Earlier this month, we held our first-ever user conference, Fulcrum Live 2017. At this event, we hoped users could come together to share their experiences and learn from new ways organizations are using Fulcrum to streamline business processes. Judging by the feedback we received, it was a resounding success! It took our team many months to plan and coordinate the event, so we are grateful to those that came. We had nearly 100 attendees descend upon the city of Boston for a day of talking, storytelling, networking, and enjoying great food. We especially want to thank our speakers for taking the time to share their stories with the audience.

Speaker at conference - Fulcrum Live 2017 Recap

To recap, Fulcrum Live was co-located with the FOSS4G (Free and Open Source for Geospatial Conference) conference, which was a great opportunity for us to meet with thousands of open-source developers and GIS professionals. For the Spatial Networks Fulcrum team, however, it was our first opportunity to host many of our customers we knew were already going to be attending FOSS4G.

Fulcrum Live far exceeded our wildest expectations, and it would not have been possible without the efforts of hundreds of friends and fellow developers, colleagues and customers, fans and followers, coders and co-conspirators. We hope to continue this momentum by hosting other user conferences in the future, so stay tuned. Thank you!

You can download each of the talks from Fulcrum Live 2017 below.‍

Fulcrum Live 2017 speakers and talks

  • Adam Jasinski (The HALO Trust)- How Fulcrum is Supporting Landmine Clearance Activities
  • Bill Dollins (Spatial Networks) – Introduction to Fulcrum
  • Bryan McBride (Spatial Networks) – Fulcrum Integrations: Background, Challenges, Solutions & Fulcrum Power Tools
  • Cory MacVie (Spatial Networks) – Fulcrum Stats & Fulcrum Community
  • Eric Czajkowski & Shawn Pickett (Century Engineering) – DelDOT Railroad Program Management (RPM) System
  • Jason Sanford (Spatial Networks) – The Fulcrum Software Stack: A look inside
  • Jesse Bishop (NBT Solutions) – Integrating Fulcrum and VETRO FiberMap
  • Joe Larson (Spatial Networks) – Customer Highlights & Tools & Techniques for Working with Data
  • Joe McCann (Severn GIS) – Using Fulcrum in the Yukon Territory
  • Kristin Carrington (Carrington Risk) – Leveraging Fulcrum for Risk Management
  • Miklos Nadas (Brown & Caldwell) – Utilizing Fulcrum for Smart Political Canvassing
  • Megan Smith (The House of Hope CDC) – Fulcrum as a Tool for Homeless Outreach
  • Paul Wickman (RESPEC) – Enterprise Grade Syncing and Reporting in Fulcrum
  • Randal Hale (North River Geographic Systems) – Using Fulcrum Community to Identify Waterway Issues
  • Ry Blaisdell (TRC Solutions) – System of Record for Pipeline Video Inspections and Ratings
  • Zac McCormick (Spatial Networks) – Keynote Address

Thank you App Geo!

The Fulcrum team would like to give a huge “thank you” to Michael Terner and Guido Stein at App Geo for their countless hours spent organizing and running this year’s FOSS4G conference. It wouldn’t have happened without your time and effort.